Badge Studio was born out of the Open Summer of Code Projects Escobadges & bSKilled.
It has been setup as an umbrella for multiple tools & services to make badges FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable & Reusable)
We welcome anyone who would like to contribute to our Gitlab group where you can find the code repository with a contributing guide
In 2017 an Open Summer of Code project to connect Open Badges to the European Skills/Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) multilingual taxonomy of the European Commission. The resulting product, ESCOBadges, was made available online as an open-source beta platform. By linking badges to the new ESCO taxonomy, ESCO Badges make it easier for displayers to correctly assess the exact skill represented by the badge via the principle of linked open data & a visual representation of the taxonomy in the image of the badge.
In 2018 the Open Badges Specification stewarded by the IMS Global Learning Consortium, updated to a version 2.0 which opened up extra possibilities. Like endorsements and some new steps towards making badges fully portable. By cryptographically signing the entirety of the metadata associated with a badge and embed everything into the assertions, we come closer to further decentralisation. 2018 was also the year in which blockchain public-private key signings seemed to be everywhere, a good time to bring signed assertions also back to the foreground. The result of this was bSkilled, an application to get your skills verified and certified by an employer, a teacher, an organisation…. via selfclaims & signed open badges assertions as endorsement by others.
Description to be added
Project Coach Escobadges
Designer Escobadges
Communication & Research Escobadges
Backend developer Escobadges
Frontend developer Escobadges
Frontend developer Escobadges
Project Lead of
Designer bSkilled
Frontend developer bSkilled
Frontend developer bSkilled
Studend Coach & Developer bSkilled
Communication bSkilled
Fullstack developer
Logo Design
UX Design
Prototyping badgebuilder
UX flow